Cash App : A guide to verify your account & buy Bitcoin on Cash App

In the continuously growing digital world, more and more businesses and individuals from all over the world are adopting the method of digital payment services that is faster, easier, and highly secure as compared to in-hand cash payments. There are various platforms and mobile applications available in the world that allow businesses and individuals to make digital payments at anytime, anywhere within a few seconds or minutes. 

Today we will talk about the Cash App, an online mobile payment service application that is available for both iOS device users and Android users on the App Store and Google Play Store with over 50 million plus downloads. It was publicly launched in 2013 on October 15 by Square.Inc and currently it is only available in two countries that are US (United States) and UK (United Kingdom). It allows its users to send, receive, store money in their wallets, and transfer the money to their bank account easily and quickly within a few taps. Along with that it also offers the service of purchasing and selling bitcoin (BTC) and fractional shares of various publicly traded companies. 

In our further content, we will cover easy steps that will help you to verify and buy Bitcoin (BTC) on Cash App.

How to buy Bitcoin on Cash App for the first time? 

If you are buying bitcoin for the first time on your Cash App then it is required to do verification first before starting the buying process. Without verification, you will not be able to purchase, sell or withdraw Bitcoin (BTC), order a Cash card, or invest in stocks from your App. We have mentioned below a step-by-step guide that will help you to verify and buy Bitcoin (BTC) on your App.

Steps for verifying your account:

Follow these simple steps to verify your account on Cash App,

Step 1: Launch your Cash App on your Android or iOS device.

Step 2: Tap on the “Home” icon located at the left bottom side.

Step 3: Tap on the “Buy Bitcoin” tab and scroll down from top to bottom. 

Step 4: Now you will be able to see the option for a deposit, buy, or get your Bitcoin address. But as we mentioned in the above content, you will not be able to do any such activity as long as you don't verify your account. So just tap on any option. 

Step 5: Tap on the “Verify identity” button located at the bottom and then create a Cash Pin.

Step 6: In the last step submit the required details such as your legal name, DOB, social security number, other documents, and more to finish the process.

Steps to buy Bitcoin:

Follow these simple steps to buy BTC on your Cash App,

Step 1: Launch your Cash App on your Android or iOS device.

Step 2: Tap on the “Home” icon located at the left bottom side and then tap on “Buy Bitcoin”. Make sure you have a sufficient amount available in your App account to make a purchase.

Step 3: Tap on the “Buy BTC”.

Step 4: Now you have to select an amount that you would like to buy BTC or you can also enter the amount manually from the 3 dots icon.

Step 5: In the last step you just have to enter your PIN or touch Id and then tap on the “Confirm” option to finish the process of buying Bitcoin (BTC).


In our above content, we have covered some topics such as an introduction to Cash App and steps that can help you to verify and buy Bitcoin on it. Both verification and buying BTC process is simple and straightforward but you should know that the verification process can take up to 48 hours to complete.



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